Category: News
SAVS responds to Listeria outcry
On Sunday afternoon, Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi made an announcement confirming that polony and products from an Enterprise Foods factory in Polokwane, Limpopo, are the source of the largest outbreak of listeria in global history. ‘Avoid all processed meat products that are sold as ready to eat,’ said Motsoaledi, adding that pregnant women should avoid processed meat ‘like the plague’.
Colleen Patrick-Goudreau Meet & Greet in Cape Town
Join The South African Vegan Society and Plant for an informal gathering with Colleen Patrick-Goudreau, American author, speaker, cultural commentator, and podcaster. This is an opportunity to meet Colleen and spend some intimate time with her so bring your questions and enjoy some great vegan food and company.There will be a cash bar with snacks provided.