Festive Feast (Cape Town) – 19 December 2015

SA Vegan Society & Vegilicious Feastive Feast

It’s that time of year again; when we get to go on holiday, loosen our belts and enjoy the Festive Season.

This year Vegilicious (The Good Food Society) and The South African Vegan Society are partnering to bring you The Festive Feast; a plant-based braai where everyone is welcome to come share great vegan food.

We’ll organise the braais, a few salads, and thanks to the generous support of Fry’s Family Food, we’ll also have plenty of Fry’s meat-free burgers to give out (so come hungry).

Please Bring

  • Whatever else you want to throw on the braai (strictly vegan please), and any vegan dishes you’d like to bring to share. The highlight of these events is sharing great vegan food, so we encourage people to bring dishes to share – but this is by no means compulsory.
  • Picnic blankets or camping chairs; there will be a few tables and chairs, but we encourage everyone to bring picnic blankets or camping chairs and use the grass area in front of the clubhouse.
  • Please bring your own drinks; but please be responsible and don’t drink and drive. (If you’re going to need a taxi sign up for Uber: https://get.uber.com/invite/nxuc4 or call Excite Taxis: 021 448 4444)

Please invite friends and family who might be keen – everyone is welcome; vegans and non-vegans alike (just please no animal products on the menu).

Fires will be started at 12h00.

★★ Different people do veganism passionately and very differently. Let’s please leave judgement out of this event. If you don’t agree with Coke or palm oil, don’t drink/eat it – but please don’t make people feel alienated for bringing it by preaching/explaining it to them. If animals aren’t in the food and haven’t been used to make it, please don’t pontificate on it. ★★

Please contact one of the hosts if you have any questions. We look forward to seeing you!


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